Thursday 20 July 2017

Working As In-House Nature Guide At Kenong Rimba Park

Working at Kenong Rimba Park was the best time ever, as I served and carried my duty with all my heart. Guiding, caring, and cook for them has become my joy. However, I need to look for my future along with my carrier. As I see my passion in guiding I have decided to take Tour Guide Course as once more I could serve and take care of our guest. Looking into my experiences, guiding in Kenong Rimba Park have proven that I could become a good guide if I had been given a chance to carry the guiding duty again. Sharing my knowledge, my culture, my country and some history is a pleasure to me. At Kenong Rimba Park, I could share almost everything to my guest, were they could learn about the real villagers life. Now, that I am already an officially a License Tourist Guide holding City Guide Badge. This is my time to guide you for the pleasure you seek in Malaysia.

Click Here for My Review


Malaysia is carving out a reputation for itself as a unique destination, thanks to its rich natural, cultural and craft heritage. Malaysia has numerous natural assets: a rich diversity of flora and fauna, a preferential location, political stability, a peaceful, hospitable population, a protected ecosystem with rare and precious valuable assets, as well as a wide variety of highly dynamic cultural traditions.

My priority for tourism industry is to combining city tour and eco tour as one interesting package for all type of tourists. Ensure the accessibility for disable people to explore the natures.  Lots of nature touristic spot could not provide an accessible facility for disable peoples and it has become an obstacle for them to explore the nature. 

My passion in tour guiding has driven me all the way to taking this city guide as to complete my search for experiences to introduce a new perspective of nature tourism to initiate the new tourism environmental for future generation by combining my working experience for a better management of nature touristic spot.

As before I had work in nature guiding although I am just an in-house guide for Kenong Rimba Park, Kuala Lipis Pahang, this field of work has taken me deeply to improved several ways of guiding especially nature guiding. Based on my experience with the tourist, for all I could see that the tourist not just expecting for our services as tour guide, but they also would like to be pampered, appreciate, and affection as family. It is not about the money they pay us but it is about how we treat them as a guest and a welcomed family member.

Taking this course make me learns so much the values that I been lack before. In becoming a tourist guide it is not only matter on how we treat them but also to maintain our role as a host. For me to become a good guide you need to learn both city and nature guiding to ensure that we could deliver better services. Keeping them coming to our country for the next time is means to treat them with a good or I could say fabulous hospitality services.

As to fulfill my ambitions and passions, I’m taking this course as my staircase to success and this is what I called ambitions. 


My future planning is to rebuilt Kuala Perahu Reserve Forest, Kuala Medang, Kuala Lipis Pahang as a new eco-tourism spot. With all the working experience gained in couple of years lately, I will plan a tourist friendly eco resort with assessable facilities. I will ensure that all aspect will be planned well by combining my experience in management, nature guiding, sales and marketing, sales coordinating, wasted and logistics management, environmental preservation and conservation, and tourism.  In order to ensure the sustainability of conservation and preservation Kuala Perahu Reserve Forest, I will collaborate with various agencies either government or non-government agency.